
i’ve been resisting it for so long…

i swore that i’d never, EVER, get wrapped up in it…

and then…

my mom convinced me to watch it.

the twilight saga.

i watched twilight and new moon back to back because i just couldn’t get enough of edward’s smolder.

and now i’m reading twilight and i can’t put it down.

what’s happening to me?!
i’ve totally been sucked in.  (no pun intended)
and i gotta be honest…i kinda want vampires to be real.  i kinda want a vampire boyfriend.  assuming that i could find a vampire that would fall in love with me as opposed to draining my body and leaving me for dead…yeah…i’d totally date one.
they’re romantic…in a dangerous way.
i rarely see (style/fashion) bloggers write or discuss this twilight phenomenon…what’s up with that?
do any of you read the books?  have you seen the movies?
i mean, i’m not as obsessed as some people, but i’m not afraid to admit that i’m totally into the whole thing.
if you’re looking for more “adult” vampire reading, check out…
poppy z brite (i was really into her books when i was in hs)
charlaine harris (she wrote the series that is now true blood)
aaaaanyway, if you happen upon a sexy blood sucker…send him my way.
ps…the paragraph spacing is all eff’d up and i can’t fix it and i don’t have time, sorry.

im wearing…
dress – modcloth
cardigan – urban outfitters
necklace – thrifted
belt – dooney and bourke, thrifted
shoes – target
team edward!  (haha)

palm springs – part two

this folks, is how i spent most of day two.

i woke up early and had snagged two lounge chairs by 830!  not only did i hear that the pool area fills up fast and gets super crowded, but apparently you’re not allowed to get up early, reserve chairs and head back to bed.  no siree…staff members were picking up towels, books, magazines and the occasional flip-flop, left and right!!  it was crazy.  people were pissed.  but hey…you snooze, you lose.

it was so nice.  i lounged, read my book, drank coffee…WrW finally came out around 11…we ordered lunch, (more than) a few drinks and simply relaxed in the 100+ heat!

i even made a few friends!  :)

around 3, we left the pool side to head into town for some thrifting!

boy did we score big.  (more on that in part three.)

from there, we headed back to our room to freshen up and head to dinner.

stripes and florals!  WrW dug it.  i did, too.  it’s quirky and cute!

you may recognize the red envelope purse in the pics.  yep!  it’s for sale in the shop!  buy it…it’s only $18!  in fact, if you mention that you saw it in this post, i’ll take $5 OFF!  hurry though…it could be snatched up by someone else! 

for dinner, we headed over to palm desert to castelli’s, an adorable little hole in the wall italian restaurant.  think east coast/sopranos meets member’s only wearing retirees in california.

the lighting was dim, a piano was playing in the background, the wine was flowing and the food was great!

needless to say, i had a few glasses of wine which led to lots of silliness once we got back to our room.  WrW got a few shots of me goofing around before i petered out and started yawning.

stick a fork in me, i’m done.

minutes later, i was snoozing the night away.

(i’m wearing the modcloth shirt you may have seen here and an adorable dress that i purchased from a local boutique.)

part three (the final part) is coming tomorrow!  stay tuned…

couple other things before i go –

1.  please check out the shop!  i’m adding new items this week and even relisted a few pieces that have been in the shop for a long time.  also, i’m thinking about having a big SPRING CLEANING sale!  (i’ll let you know…)

2.  BIG NEWS:  today, i’m getting a double dose of exposure in the blog world from two very lovely ladies!!  thank you kristin (of leproust vintage) and rachel (of mousevox vintage)!!!  i am truly honored that kristin is wearing one of my finds and that rachel mentioned me on her blog, as well.  :)

side note:  i’ve been advertising on kristin’s blog since the beginning of may.  it’s certainly helped with sales, so if you found me via leproust…cool!  and thanks for stopping by and/or making a purchase.  the best part though, has been getting to know kristin.  we’ve emailed back and forth several times and i’m learning a lot about this very stylish, business savvy, super intelligent woman!  thanks for all your help and support kristin!  i hope you’ll come visit california soon!

alright my dears, i must be going.

happy wednesday!



rewarding myself.

i used to be a shopaholic.  and not the thrifty type.  more like the “omg.  i have to have that blouse/shirt/skirt/jeans/shoes/face cream/diamond encrusted bra!  no matter what the price…i have to have it!” type.  $120 later, i was eating pickles and mac n cheese for bfast lunch and dinner, because going to the grocery store wasn’t an option.  but at least my ass looked great in those new sevens.

(okay, so i’m exaggerating about the bra and not having enough $$ for groceries.  you get the point.)

now that i’m older and wiser (read:  30 years old), other things are more important…like paying for cable (because spongebob squarepants and real housewives of any county on the planet are staples in our household), electricity, food, target runs for the essentials, school supplies, gas in the car, etc etc.  not to mention setting aside funds for nights out with the girls, concerts, movies, etc.

so where does that leave wardrobe shopping??  at the bottom.  actually, i lied.  i do a lot of shopping, but it’s for barefoot & vintage, and i’m not really shopping for my own wardrobe…i’m shopping for yours.  (aren’t i a good friend??)  so, even though i’m out there, thrifting it up, i rarely purchase items for myself.

what i’ve managed to do over the last year though, is buy some great staples…skinny jeans, leggings, cardigans, belts, t-shirts…things like that.  and since i’ve been following SO many great thrifty/style blogs (second skin, dirty hair halo, kendi everyday, leproust vintage, little ocean annieoff of broadway and kennedy holmes – just to name a few!) i’ve found it so much easier to “shop my closet” so to speak.  i’ve mixed and matched items that i haven’t worn in AGES.  it’s been fun and it rarely costs me a dime these days.  woot!

with that being said, i felt it was about time to reward myself.

but ONLY because barefoot & vintage has been doing really, really well and i kinda have a lot of you to thank for that!  so, would you like to see my recent purchases??

french navy top from modcloth

this adorable skirt from second skin style 

vintage 1970s little girl lost necklace from dear golden vintage

i also purchased a pink lace cami and owl necklace from tulle.  once a month, tulle has an ah-mazing one day sale.  i got both of those items, plus shipping, for a whopping $14!!

so, while i didn’t splurge in a huge way, i still bought a few items that i’m in love with and plan to have in my closet for a long time.  plus!  all of them can be worn throughout the year.  yay me!

alright friends…it’s almost time to start the weekend.  happy mother’s day to all you mamacitas out there!  have a great one.




christmas makes me happy!

hello friends…i hope everyone had a wonderful christmas!

at the risk of sounding like a bragging 7 year old, i thought i’d share the gifts i received…mainly because a few of them (see below) are geared towards setting up my etsy shop!

“santa” was nice enough to bring me dresses, pajama sets, a diamond bracelet (they’re real!), books, a new hair dryer (a GOOD one…my hair looks so healthy!), 2 pairs of boots, sewing lessons (woo hoo!) and some great little stocking stuffers!  oh and taylor got me a necklace from modcloth!

my family, friends and bf…are so generous.  hopefully they enjoyed the gifts i gave them, as well.  :)

don’t get me wrong, i realize that christmas isn’t just about gifts.  in fact, i’m still thinking about the joys of the holiday – introducing the bf to family and friends, eating great food, sharing laughs, watching taylor open gifts, spending quality time with my parents…it was great…i’m sad to see it all end!  BUT…there’s more to look forward to, as 2010 is just around the corner and i have a feeling it’s going to be a phenomenal year!


the little guide to vintage shopping by melody fortier

i can’t wait to dive into this juicy little morsel!  it’s full of important vintage info like –  distinguishing eras and styles, sizing tips, lables to look for, etc.  a must-have if you’re as enamored with vintage as i am!

shop:  modcloth, irreference

craft inc. business planner by meg mateo ilasco

hopefully, this book will keep me organized while planning the launch of barefoot & vintage on etsy!  it includes sections on creating a budget, marketing ideas and tracking revenue.  this is perfect for anyone who has a tendency to be a scatterbrain, like me!

shop:  modcloth, chronicle books

closet confidential (style secrets learned the hard way) by winona dimeo-ediger

this book is a must-have for every woman!  it helps build the foundation of a flawless wardrobe.  it’s chock full of things like – how to shop for the perfect pair of jeans, purchasing shoes – from flats to heels, the 411 on blouses and tops, accessorizing, packing for vacations effectively, etc…

ps – winona also has a blog!  she’s informative, yet hilarious!  check it out here.

shop:  modcloth (surprised?) and sasquatch books.

last, but not least, i got SEWING LESSONS as one of my gifts!!  (the “gift certificate” above was made by a family friend…quite crafty, eh?)

anyway, i’m super excited to learn how to sew.  i’ve purchased a few vintage dresses that are adorable, but also in desparate need of mending and button changes.

after 5 classes i should be able to hem, sew buttons, fix tears in taylor’s uniforms and prepare my clothing line for project runway…

…a girl can dream, can’t she??  ;)

feelin’ blue

hello, friends!

today i had the pleasure of thrifting at the st vincent de paul thrift store in los angeles.  let me tell you…this place is HUGE.  like, overwhelmingly huge.  i started in the dresses section, but didn’t find much.  i then headed to the blazer/suit jacket section where i found an old school calvin klein blazer – it’s so soft…can’t wait to wear it with leggings and boots!  next, i headed to the skirts and jeans area…i found a plaid/wool skirt, a pair of jordache jeans (love them!) and a pair of pants that remind me of something diane keaton would’ve worn in annie hall.  i even perused the men’s section, where i found some dress shirts, a couple of dope men’s jackets (yes, i’ll eventually have men’s clothing in my etsy shop) and a christian dior cashmere scarf for THREE DOLLARS AND 99 CENTS!!  what luck…william scoped that gem.  i also found a belt and a few shirts here and there, but my fave find was a dark teal, velour, 70’s or 80’s style boatneck sweater.  all in all, it was a good thrifting day!

on the way home, it dawned on me that i’ve been gravitating toward rich greens and blues this winter.  especially the “electric” or cobalt blue.  i think it’s a great color to add to your wardrobe, but here are a few things to keep in mind if you do.

and now for some show and tell…enjoy!

vintage 80's cobalt blue sweater (etsy bound)

the infamous modcloth cobalt blue coat

velour sweater

new york state of mind

guess what?!  I’M LEAVING FOR NYC ON SATURDAY!!!  i’m so excited!

my wonderful boyfriend, william, is taking me and my son…it’s our first trip ever! (i’ll post pictures upon my return)

thinking about the cold weather we’re about to face, i started to imagine actually living in NYC and owning lots of great coats!  so, i did a quick search on the web and came up with a few that i’m dying over and one that i actually have the pleasure of owning.  :)