steppin out

i love long weekends.  yesterday we went shopping and today we’re doing things around the house.  tomorrow…something family-ish.  we’re thinking maybe we’ll head to the beach, have a picnic or something.  3 day weekends should be the standard!  who’s with me?  ps. did you notice that the tree is more in focus than i am?  haha.  yeah…still working on figuring out my camera…bear with me.

anyway, i’m super excited about the new goodies i purchased yesterday.  i’ve been telling you that i need to update my wardrobe and i think i bought some really great, versatile pieces.  can’t wait to share!

also, i linked up with mandy’s steppin’ out saturday!  this woman is hilarious and her daugher is absolutely adorable.  check out her blog!

blazer, blouse – UO
skinny jeans – local boutique
scarf – vintage, thrift
brogues – aldo
necklaces – flea market, UO

as always…thanks for voting!

just me and my couch. woo hoo.

this afternoon, i had a bowl of cereal for a snack.

just a second ago, i got up to get a glass of water and put my foot in the bowl.  yeah, i have milk all over the bottom of foot now.

that’s about as wild as it’s gonna get tonight, folks!

hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

i should have an etsy update for you on monday!

xx, paige

ps!!  one of my favorite things about october…syfy and amc show horror flicks




for the whole month!!  i love horror films.  even if they are made for tv, low budget, big screen rejects.

wearing…merona dress – thrifted. belt/scarf – thrifted, vintage.  the most amazing vintage boots ever – from merl over at mo vintage on etsy.

little miss muffet

i do not like spiders.  at all.

and they know this, so they find me and taunt me with their creepy, spiny little legs and quick, jerky movements.

i wish you could see the body convulsions and over-dramatic shivering i’m doing.  every time my hair brushes the back of my arms, i believe there’s a spider crawling on me.

over the last couple of days, these arachnids have decided to terrorize me even more than usual.  maybe i’ve killed too many and karma is coming back to bite me.  literally.

so grab a cup of coffee and sit back and relax as i share my spider stories…

tuesday morning.

i head to the bathroom to break the coffee seal…

just as i get comfy on the potty, a freaking spider comes barreling straight at me!  even in mid stream i stand up to dodge this creepy crawlies’ obvious intentions of scurrying up my leg and biting the inside of my thigh.  as i’m doing a little dance to escape, panties around my ankles, my full bladder forgotten, the spider makes a quick move to the left and scurries up the wall.

whew.  close call.  i think the spider was just as stressed as i was.

he stopped for a moment (to catch his breath?  to give me the evil eye?) so i quickly pulled up my pants, flushed the toilet and muttered, “jerk.” as i stepped out of the stall and into safety.

wednesday morning.

i’m at my desk.  typing away.  all the sudden i see something scurry across my desk.

my heart stops.  oh no.  it can’t be.

but it is.

a spider has crawled underneath my keyboard.  i freeze, unsure of how to proceed.  i decide to move it slightly, just to see where the little asshole is hiding.  he moves quick, but in my frightened state, bump the keyboard and my ipod falls off the edge and…no joke…

lands right on the spider…like, pins it down!


i think it’s dead so i give the ipod a little flick of my finger…not dead!  eeeeek!  the spider gets up and hightails it to…

i don’t know where, but i let it go and continue working.

late morning…

one of the financial advisors comes in and he’s covered in spider bites.

what?!  what is going on here??

this can’t be happening.  remember arachnophobia, the movie?  it’s happening.  spiders are taking over.

about an hour later…

a different spider crawls out from under my monitor stand.


that’s it!  i’ve had enough.  i call one of the other assistants over to my desk to tell her what’s been going on.  she’s grossed out, too.  says that she’s seen a few as well!

as we’re having this conversation, she looks up and there’s a spider hanging from the ceiling.

omg.  are you kidding me?  even though we’re horrified, we’re cracking up.  tears in our eyes.  but it’s still gross and creepy and i’m scared.  legit scared.

fast forward to that evening…

taylor and i head upstairs to brush our teeth and get ready for bed…

he likes to tease me about spiders so when he says,

“mommy there’s a spider on your bed.”

i don’t believe him.

but sure as shit…there’s a spider, chillin right next to my pretty decorative pillow.  i grab a flip-flop and demolish the little jerk, without hesitation.

for the rest of the night, i sleep in fear.

i’m wearing…
sweater – anthropologie
vintage scarf as belt – thrifted
vintage skirt – thrifted
vintage shoes – found at a garage sale
sunnies – a gift

so far today, no spiders.  i’m keeping my eyes peeled, watching my back…

you better watch yours, too!  ;)



little. yellow. sticky.

something you should know about me…

i’m forgetful and absentminded and even though i make lists, i forget about them and often find yellow sticky notes stuck in random places.  in the pages of a book, on the floor of my car, in my wallet, stuck to the back of another list…

ultimately, this causes the opposite of organization.  i end up overwhelmed and unnecessarily stressed.

i stress myself out.  who does that?!  i do.

my point is this…

i need to set my priorities for the week and stick with it.  (no pun intended.)

as i mentioned before, taylor starts school in a few weeks and i like to keep him on a pretty strict schedule.  when we have a schedule, things run smoothly.  when things run smoothly, mommy is happy.

so something has to give…i can’t possibly bust my ass every day after work to get home, take photos, edit them, and write a post…all in between homework, dinner, going for a run, or any other necessary errands and house stuff.

i’m sure most of you can’t relate (to the kid thing) and that’s okay!  we all get busy though, with or without kids.  i’m not more busy because i have a little one, i just don’t have as many hours in the day for blogging and picture-taking.  pout.

all that being said, i may not have time to post daily outfits once school starts.  morgan said it’s okay.  she said maybe i can just do weekend outfit posts.  morgan also said that the stucco background is very fashion forward and that all the biggest fashion photographers and models should start using it as their background and name paige/barefoot & vintage as their inspiration.

okay, she didn’t say that last part.

but she did say this…

“stucco IS fashion.”
-morgan of morgan and lua.

morgan – please note that i moved to a different area of my “yard”.  the stucco has a more rustic feel, if you will.

i guess i’m just hoping (when i cut back) that i won’t lose any of you.  i’d like to think that my regular followers like me for me and not just because i have undeniably amazing style and wear like…the coolest, most sought after, vintage items. and i’m modest and down to earth to boot.

on the other hand (i’m about to name drop again),  merl calls me paige “false alarm” pitzer.  which simply means, i say all this now because i’m preparing everyone for worst case scenario.  in reality, i probably won’t stop posting every day and all of this will have been for nothing.

possibly just to keep you on your jeffrey campbell toes.

i think you get what i’m saying.  it’s more about me not stretching myself too thin.  after all, my blog/my shop is supposed to be my hobby.  the minute it starts feeling like a chore, is the minute i need to step away.

how do you juggle work, school, kids, husbands, boyfriends, friends, blogging, outfits, etc??  because sticky notes aren’t working for me…

thanks for your continued support…i appreciate you all!

ps.  i’m retiring the skirt.  i’ve worn it here, here and here.



i’m wearing…
vintage scarf (shocker) – found at a garage sale
shirt – local boutique
belt – thrifted
skirt – thrifted, vintage
wedges – etsy, vintage

horses and whatnot

i love scarves.

i wear them as belts, i’ve worn them as what i call a “modified suspender”, christina has worn them as tube tops…and of course, you can wear them in the more traditional ways, as well!

if you’re a thrifter, you know that vintage scarves are abundant and inexpensive in the thrift stores.

here’s one i found recently, at a garage sale, for one dollar.

yes.  cheap.

the fabric is very thin, it’s large, and it has an awesome print of horses and whatnot…definitely one of a kind.

i don’t know about you, but i’m totally diggin this scarf as a bolero/capelet/shawl thingy…

what do you think??

i mean, how often are you wearing a dress and you need something to keep your shoulders cozy, but a jacket is too bulky, a cardi is too long or casual, and that lace shawl is just too outdated and granny-like…

mmmmm hmmmm…me too!

so when i started messing around with the scarf and came up with this look…i thought it was fun and i had to share it with my stylish friends!

no brainer.

the only thing is…it may not look good with every dress, but try it out!  let me know what you think!

oh and…

i’ve provided a video to show you how i tied it.


[VIMEO 13869030]

sorry about the loud windy noise and the sirens!  haha!  i should have added music or something, but i’m just not that advanced.

also, i did have a funny one…complete with me chomping my gum like a maniac (i’m never chewing gum around people again), getting spooked because i thought my neighbor was creeping, the beeping of a large truck backing up, and me laughing at myself because i couldn’t get ahold of the scarf.

ahhh..i’m only human, what can i say?

thanks for tuning in.

ps…today is the last day to enter my giveaway!!  you have until 4pm (pacific).

good luck!



i’m wearing…
vintage scarf – garage sale
dress – local boutique
wedges – vintage, etsy


well hello there, friday.

how nice of you to join us…

’bout time.

(these plants need some tlc.)

as you can see…i don’t really have much to say today.

i can’t figure it out.

literally, there are no words.  my mind is blank!


i can tell  you about my weekend…

tonight – photographing a shit ton of items for the shop.  hopefully i’ll have it updated by sunday.
saturday – call me crazy, but i’m going into the office.  they offered overtime and mama needs a new pair of shoes.  cha.ching.
afterwards, i’m headed down to san diego until sunday…to hang with my dad and stepmom.  looking forward to getting away and relaxing.

and you?  big plans?  what’s the haps?

i’m wearing…
cardigan – urban outfitters
striped crop tank – thrifted
necklace – thrifted
scarf/belt – urban outfitters (from 3 or 4 years ago)
skirt – vintage, thrifted
wedges – vintage, etsy

two things…

1.  i’ve decided that i love this skirt so much, why not style it at least once a week?  it’s just so versatile.  and since i’m not ready for a major remix challenge…this will help me get my feet wet.

2.  for those of you who think that long skirts are unflattering…you’re wrong.  long skirts are the new black, so get one and try it out.  and if you’re still unsure…read my suggestions on how to wear them, here.

just my 2 cents.  haha!  literally.  get it…because i said “two things”…?

anyway, i wish you all a wonderful weekend!



oh wait!  i added two new items to the shop this week.

vintage navy blue polka dot dress

vintage black and white polka dot shirt dress – SOLD! to the adorable courtnee of my moments of whimsy!  thanks, lady!!  i can’t wait to see how you wear it!

until tomorrow (7/31), if you purchase one of these dresses, i will throw in the accessory that is shown with it!

the vintage scarf with the navy blue dress and the vintage apron with the shirtdress!

thanks for looking!

warning: for mature audiences only

just kidding.

but i did go to a “pleasure party” last night…

it was fun!  without going into too many deets…yes, i bought a few things.

*wink wink*

i also decided to write a few haikus about it.


vibrating so fast
you are little and so blue
in my purse you go

edible panties
i hope he likes raspberry
sexy fruit roll up

big rubbery thing
much too big for small places
no vacancy here

i’m all haiku’d out.

btw…i have no idea what i’m doing in this photo.  i was trying out some different poses.  i call this…


i’m wearing…
black jumpsuit – from a local boutique
scarf used as belt – vintage (found at garage sale yesterday!)
bracelet – a christmas gift from my son
sandals – local boutique

oh!  i almost forgot…this is my first “remix” post.

i wore the black jumpsuit a couple of months ago, like this.

friends, i hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!  thanks so so much for reading my posts and leaving comments here and there…they make me smile!

